Clean Your Room, Harvey Moon! by Pat Cummings, is a funny book about a kid that doesn't like to clean his room, but loves cartoons! What kid doesn't?!?!? It is a fun book to read, so I think it is a great book to teach with.
This mini lesson can be used for the primary classroom. (My daughter picked this out and she is in 2nd grade)
Mini Lesson ~ How to... (a lesson in sequencing)
1. Read the book aloud. As Always, be sure to allow the students to see all of the wonderful illustrations. They make the book so much fun to read!
2. Ask the students to consider the steps Harvey took to begin the cleaning process. (Putting dirty clothes in the hallway, clean under the bed, then the closet, etc.)
3. Next, each student should write in their journal a topic they would like to teach someone "How to" do.
4. Once the topic has been selected, ask the students to make their own list of the things they need to tell their audience about their topic. Allow students to partner up and help each other complete their lists after they have run out of ideas.
5. Then, the students should write out their ideas as a set of directions. Be sure to emphasize the importance of the SEQUENCE (proper order) of the directions.
6. Finally, ask each student to read their "How To" aloud. Students will enjoy learning new things and teaching new things! Happy learning!!!!
(Ohio's Academic Content Standards: Writing Applications Standard ~ Compose writings that convey a clear message and include well-chosen details.)
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